“Coca-Cola”- Mario Schifano | Signature bottom right – Author’s proof

“Coca-Cola”- Mario Schifano | Signature bottom right – Author’s proof

Artist: Mario Schifano
Title: Coca-Cola (a-C)
Exemplar: P.A.
Technique: Lithograph on Kraft paper
Dimensions: 70 x 70 cm
Dimensions with frame: 86 x 86 cm

Mario Schifano Artist (1934-1998), an artist with a rebellious and scathing soul, is today considered one of the most prolific painters of the post-war period.
He immediately attracted critics by creating monochrome paintings that offer the idea of ​​a photographic screen that would later accommodate numbers, letters, road signs, the Esso and Coca Cola brands. He lived between Rome and New York, a city that allowed him to frequent Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns and Andy Warhol, artists who would inspire him greatly.
His solo exhibitions were held all over the world, and his works remain among the most sought after by collectors and art enthusiasts.

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